Restoration 101

Restoration 101

A WLB workshop to help you explore the interconnectedness of purposeful movement, breath and posture for overall well-being, with practical tools and techniques for restoring balance in the body.

Key Takeaways

  • Recognise how body structure affects movement strategies
  • Attend to areas of tension attributing to form misalignment
  • Apply practical techniques to restore mobility at the ribcage, pelvis and lower body


Saturday, 25 May 2024

3:30pm to 4:15pm


75 minutes per session



Reconnect with your body

Forget quick fixes and exercises hacks. Start by laying the foundations of movement by reconnecting with your breath and improving your posture.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What will you be going through during the 75-min class?
A: Please see the weekly class breakdown to understand what will be covered each week!

Q: I have some pains in my body, can I still join this class?
A: Certainly! We will address overlapping  recommend that you book in for a consult with our practitioners.

Q: Are there any prerequisites to join?
A: While there are no prerequisites, we highly recommend that you purchase our online low back pain clinic course for you to better understand our principles of training, language and terminology we use in STACKED. Find out more.

Q: How is this different to your regular STACKED classes?
A: Regular STACKED classes follow a more general programming while the workshop has a specific context that is catered to those who are looking to learn the fundamentals to breath and posture. It is a great way to introduce yourself to the work we do at WLB while learning to eliminate pain and optimise your movement.

Q: Should I do the 1-1 session or join this workshop?
A: This workshop is held in a group-based environment to support learning of a specific topic. If the timing is inconvenient for you or if you find that you will need specific attention to solve your problem, we would then recommend a 1-1 session.

Q: My doctor says I should only be swimming because of my back pain, is this class safe/ suitable for me?
A: Definitely! Our expertise is in restoring function for those with persistent pain. This course is a great opportunity for you to understand more about your pain and to explore movement patterns in a safe environment with expert guidance.

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